David TwinomugyishaAlexander Kudla2025-03-07T17:00:25+01:00

David Twinomugyisha

David Twi­nomu­gy­i­sha is rese­ar­cher at the Col­lege of Agri­cul­tu­ral and Envi­ro­m­en­tal Sci­en­ces (MUK-CAES) at Make­rere Uni­ver­sity, Uganda.

Neuste Beiträge von David Twinomugyisha

The Social Understanding of Wealth Across Time: A Multidimensional Perspective on African History

Von Ndirangu Ngunjiri, Moritz Heinmöller, Naris Ninsiima, Robiel Beyene und David Twinomugyisha| 7. März 2025|Glo­ba­li­sie­rung und Ent­wick­lung, Ungleich­heit|

The social under­stan­ding of wealth in Africa has evol­ved signi­fi­cantly – from Indi­ge­nous, pre-colo­­nial, and post-colo­­nial, to con­tem­po­rary Africa. During these peri­ods a key distinc­tion emer­ges bet­ween mate­rial and non-mate­­rial wealth. Based on this distinc­tion seve­ral dif­fe­rent dimen­si­ons of wealth can be iden­ti­fied, par­ti­ally coming with con­flic­ting results when applied to con­tem­po­rary rea­li­ties ▸ Arti­kel lesen
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