Humor in Heterodox Economics: Why Cartoons Are a Valuable Learning Resource (HEN Editorial 336)

Von Jakob Kapeller|2024-12-14T19:24:36+01:00 14. Dezember 2024|Heterodox Economics Newsletter|

Dis­co­ver how car­toons can make hete­ro­dox eco­no­mics fun, insightful, and engaging—perfect for boos­ting crea­ti­vity and learning!
▸ Arti­kel lesen

When Mainstream Economists Start to Rethink: Reflections on Missed Opportunities and the Value of Pluralism (HEN Editorial 335)

Von Jakob Kapeller|2024-11-28T20:26:38+01:00 28. November 2024|Heterodox Economics Newsletter|

Pro­mi­nent eco­no­mists express reg­ret over negle­c­ted approa­ches, high­light­ing the need for plu­ra­lism and cri­ti­cal reflec­tion in economics.
▸ Arti­kel lesen

Wealth Inequality Dynamics in Africa: A Summer School in Kampala

Von Jakob Kapeller und Paul Kliesch|2024-12-05T13:45:54+01:00 3. November 2024|Allgemein|

At a Kam­pala sum­mer school, 70 scho­lars tack­led Africa’s wealth ine­qua­lity, unco­ve­ring the pivo­tal role of land owner­ship in sha­ping eco­no­mic divi­des. Insights spark change.
▸ Arti­kel lesen

Ambivalent Recognition: Nobel Prize for Institutional Economists? (HEN Editorial 334)

Von Jakob Kapeller|2024-11-28T20:27:33+01:00 2. November 2024|Heterodox Economics Newsletter|

This year’s eco­no­mics lau­rea­tes have sparked mixed reac­tions. While they’ve popu­la­ri­zed key con­cepts, cri­tics argue their sim­pli­fied per­spec­ti­ves may over­look cru­cial com­ple­xi­ties in eco­no­mic development.
▸ Arti­kel lesen

Why Wealth Creates Inequality – and What We Could Do About It (HEN Editorial 333)

Von Jakob Kapeller|2024-11-28T20:28:17+01:00 9. Oktober 2024|Heterodox Economics Newsletter|

Wealth shapes social class and eco­no­mic growth. Yet, une­qual dis­tri­bu­tion deepens disparities—within house­holds, across nati­ons, and around the world.
▸ Arti­kel lesen

First Issue from Africa: Exploring Wealth and Inequality at Makerere University (HEN Editorial 332)

Von Jakob Kapeller|2024-10-28T09:53:33+01:00 20. September 2024|Heterodox Economics Newsletter|

This edi­tion comes from Kam­pala, Uganda, where I’m co-orga­ni­zing a Sum­mer School, explo­ring wealth ine­qua­lity with a focus on Afri­can con­texts and new insights.
▸ Arti­kel lesen

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